
Monday, March 14, 2011

Querying Active Directory with T-SQL

Recently I was asked to extract Windows domain user information from Active Directory, and load it into an employee database used by HR, running on SQL Server 2008. I had heard it was possible to query AD from SQL Server, but I had never done it before so the task turned out to be a good learning experience.

Now I will not pretend to be an expert on Active Directory or provide a detailed explanation of what it is and how it works. Instead, here is a TechNet article containing an introduction to AD.

Also, keep in mind that every company will have a different Active Directory structure so the example queries I have provided will probably have to be modified to work with your own AD service.

The first thing you need to set up in order to begin querying AD from SQL Server is to create a data source. The Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) is an OLE DB provider available in SQL Server 7.0 and later that allows you to execute distributed queries against AD using a linked server. You can create the linked server using the GUI in Management Studio, or by using sp_addlinkedserver:

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
  @server = N'ADSI'
, @srvproduct=N'Active Directory Services'
, @provider=N'ADsDSOObject'
, @datasrc=N''

where @datasrc is the DNS name of your Windows domain controller. Next you will need to create a linked server login:

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
, @useself=N'False'
, @locallogin=NULL
, @rmtuser=N'your_domain\domain_user'
, @rmtpassword='********'

where @rmtuser is a service account with permission to view AD objects, and @rmtpassword is the password for that account.

You should now be able to send a query to the ADSI linked server and get back data from AD. To do this use OPENQUERY. The following query should return a list of AD object distinguished names:

  'SELECT distinguishedName
  FROM ''LDAP://DC=your_domain,DC=com'''

Notice the LDAP URL in the FROM clause of the query that is passed to OPENQUERY. Replace your_domain with the name of your domain, and com with the appropriate top level domain if yours is not a .com (ie - net, org, etc). As you can see the LDAP URL needs to be encased in single quotes, which must be escaped with another pair of single quotes since the entire query that is passed to OPENQUERY must be encased in single quotes as well.

Assuming this statement returns data, and not an error, you should be able to move on to more useful AD queries. This is where things can get a little tricky though. Active Directory is not a relational database, so you can not simply browse through the schema in Management Studio, like you would a normal database, in order to figure out what objects to query. Attempting to open the Tables folder under the ADSI linked server object using the Object Explorer will return the following error:

Cannot obtain the required interface ("IID_IDBSchemaRowset") from OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7301)

Fortunately, there is an MMC snap-in called Active Directory Schema that I found very useful for figuring out what classes, objects and attributes are available to query. The other problem I ran into is the syntax expected by ADSI is not ANSI standard SQL, and the error messages you get back from ADSI are not very helpful, so constructing the appropriate statement involved some trial and error. The following query demonstrates some of the syntactical differences in the way NULLs and wildcards are handled. Also, notice the addition of an Organizational Unit in the LDAP URL that narrows the query to just domain users, eliminating other resources like computers, printers, etc.

SELECT sn as LastName, givenName as FirstName,
  employeeNumber, userPrincipalName as UserName,
  mail as EmailAddr, title, department, manager
  'SELECT sn, givenName, employeeNumber, userPrincipalName,
     mail, title, department, manager
  FROM ''LDAP://OU=Domain Users,DC=mydomain,DC=com''
  WHERE department = ''Marketing''
    AND userPrincipalName = ''*'' --IS NOT NULL
    AND userPrincipalName <> ''SI*''' --NOT LIKE 'SI%'

One BIG limitation of ADSI is that it will only return 1,000 rows in a single result set.
This limitation is actually hard coded into the OLE DB provider so there is no way around it other than to page through the desired AD objects with multiple query executions. The following code uses dynamic SQL to populate a table with domain user info by looping through the alphabet for the first letter of each user's last name:

  @adsiQuery NVARCHAR(1000),
  @sql NVARCHAR(1000),
  @alpha TINYINT

CREATE TABLE #DomainUser (
  UserName  VARCHAR(255),
  FirstName  VARCHAR(255),
  LastName  VARCHAR(255),
  EmployeeNum  VARCHAR(255),
  Email  VARCHAR(255),
  JobTitle  VARCHAR(255),
  Department  VARCHAR(255),
  Manager  VARCHAR(255)

SET @adsiQuery = N'SELECT userPrincipalName, givenName, sn, ' +
  'employeeNumber, mail, title, department, manager ' +
  'FROM OPENQUERY (ADSI, ''SELECT userPrincipalName, ' +
  'givenName, sn, employeeNumber, mail, title, department, ' +
  'manager ' +
  'FROM ''''LDAP://OU=Domain Users,DC=aruplab,DC=net'''' ' +
  'WHERE userPrincipalName = ''''*'''' ' +
  'AND userPrincipalName <> ''''SI*'''' ' +
  'AND sn = ''''<alpha>*'''''')'

SET @alpha = ASCII('A')
WHILE @alpha <= ASCII('Z')
  SET @sql = N'INSERT #DomainUser ' +
    '( UserName, FirstName, LastName, EmployeeNum, Email, ' +
    'JobTitle, Department, Manager ) ' +
    REPLACE(@adsiQuery, '<alpha>', CHAR(@alpha))
  SET @alpha = @alpha + 1

Of course, this approach assumes there are not more than 1,000 users whose last names begin with the same letter! If you work for a very large company then you will probably need to take a different approach. You could loop through departments instead of last names, or even combine both with a nested loop.